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German Grade

This grade conversion formula, together with your degree program’s Academic and Examination Regulations (FPSO), is a tool to help your convert grades earned in countries other than Germany. Please note that this tool is only intended to provide a first orientation and the results are in no way binding

Enter the following details to find out your Equivalent ECTS

German Grade equivalent to your score :


German Grade Meaning:
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. What is German Grading System?

German uses 5 point grading system to evaluate academic performance. Usually, the grade varies from 1 to 5, 1 being excellent and 5 being insufficient/unqualified.

2. How to convert my grade into German Grade?

You can use the Modified Bavarian formula to convert your grades into the German Grading system or you can use the

Nikshala German Grading Calculator.

3. Is ECTS and German Grade are Same?

ECTS is European Credit Transfer System used to “calculate” academic credits, While the German Grading System is used to “convert” student grades acquired in the Home country to German Grades. You can calculate your ECTS here.

4. Why should i convert my grades into German Grading System?

Converting your grades into German Grading System helps you to understand University requirement better and also helps you with University Application Process.

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